Polish nationalist groups became highly divided after the Russian invasion on Ukraine. Some of neonazi groups more or less took side of Putin and one of these groups is Zadruga Circle – ones that are not even trying to hide their worship of III Reich.
Native believers, militarists, anti-vaxxers, neonazis
Zadruga Circle as an organised group focuses on mainly five things which are: militarism, native believing, negating pandemic, neonazism and spreading Kremlin’s disinformation. This combination gives us very dangerous image as we get a closer look of it.
Neonazis openly share pictures of their firearms training, moving around forests and abandoned buildings using those firearms or firearm replicas. During their gatherings they also practice rituals with use of torches.

Zadruga Circle has lot of foreign contacts with neonazis form Russia, Germany and United States. They are part of international movement of „Russian-Slavic Unity” controlled directly from Moscow. Also they have close links to terrorists from Blood&Honour and constantly taking part in nationalist demos, independence day marches and anti-vaxxer processions. On social media they run at least four sites of fake organisations which are pretending to be patriotic, and under that image they spread disinformation and fake news.

On above picture theres is an example of disinformation uploaded intentionaly on one of those fake organisation sites runned by Zadruga Circle. Disinforation says about fleeing refugees which are mainly women and children:
„Young men at conscription age are brought from that banderist country to our Polish soil with a task of carrying out second Volhynian genocide????!!!!”
Worshiping Russian and Belarussian regimes
For years now Zadruga Circle works on warming of relations with Russia, and its imperialistic ambitions they explain as „Russian Army is restoring normality, pictures say it all”. Nothing more different as it comes to Lukashenko’s rule, where Polish nationalists advise him what is the best way to crush the „color revolution”. Inerestingly they even write with appreciation about North Korean regime – „Lets look at Korean Peninsula. Kim Jong-un has a nuclear weapon and enjoys considerable support among his people”.

„On July 15th, on the occasion of the next anniversary of the Batlle of Grunwald, our comrades in arms, International RUSOV Movement from Sevastopol, Moscow and St. Petersburg expressed their support for their Polish brothers from the allied organization Zadruga Circle by taking pictures with ours and their flags together.
Together we strengthen bonds between our fraternal nations and by this example we show others that Russians and Poles could and should be close together.
Together we fought in the Battle of Grunwald and now we will fight together against globalism! Glory for our victory” – direct translation from screenshot below taken from Telegram channel of „Russian-Slavic Unity” organization.

Demonstrating support for Putin
As Russian propaganda channels inform – „In Warsaw on March 25th, in front of Russian embacy, Polish co-members of International RUSOV Movement from Zadruga Circle organised solidarity piquet with Russia and its people. Thak you brothers, Russians will never forget this!”. And there it is. There is the photo of them secretly carrying out solidarity piquet with Russian aggression on Ukraine.

Friendship with neonazi „Rusich” unit
Zadruga Circle openly brags about their common photos and contacts with neonazi „Rusich” unit which is currently fighting alongside Russian army.

Above photo shows Artur Ćmok (first on the left, his surrname thruthfulness is uncertain), leader of the Zadruga Circle and former founder of Zadruga, currently in jail for carrying an attack on Ukrainians sitting in Cafe. On this photo theres also a vocalist of neonazi band called Russkiy Styag, and to side of Ćmok theres a deputy commander of Rusich – „Slavian”. Photo was taken during neonazi gig organized by Zadruga in 2016 in Warsaw.
Whats also interesting that we can notice on the picture uploaded by the Zadruga Circle that there is Aleksey Milchakov, commander of Rusich unit, who is accountable of war crimes, brutal tortures and murder done while fighting in Donbass and Syria.

Good friends of ONR and Młodzież Wszechpolska
Groups of Polish nationalists, which are currently pretending to be pro-Ukrainian have a big problem. Not only because of that people remember their anti-Ukrainian actions but also because its hard to hide their inconvenient friends. Not so long ago members of ONR, All-Polish Youth and Autonomous Nationalists boldly posed for photos together with their friends from Zadruga Circle. On photos below we can see demonstration of nationalists in Wroclaw, September 2021. Same photos were uploaded on propaganda channels controlled from Moscow.

As you can see „glorious traditions” of Polish far-right that begun in the times of ND party (National Democracy) that helped Tsar is well continued by Zadruga Circle.
For our part, we will follow this topic very closely and drop some more news about it. Soon there will be more articles about „Putin’s right”.